good day!!
i find this tag from my new friend 'lynn ..
and i try it .. i think i can type faster than you .. haha .. but ..
how terrible i am .. i've just get 178 point ..
47 wordsgo ahead . try it. have some fun like i did !!
and tell me if you can lose me. hahahaha .
mac , mac and mac
hello guys.
sometime if i posting with different languages, i am really sorry that i force my such english language. for that i want you to correct my language . oke.
now .. in a brigthness day. i wanna review my stuff.
my first mac, macbook white with blanket of black case.
The MacBook is a Macintosh notebook computer by Apple Inc.
i buy it 5 months ago when i started new life in an university ( BINUS University )
it helpful for me. to doing task , set my schedule, looking some fun ecspecially for entertainment.
the design is very simple. it makes me comfort to bring my macbook wherever i will go. the weight its just 2.27 kg.
the display was awesome with 13.3 - inch glossy display with 1280 x 800 pixel resolution.. make your eye enjoy to design, playing games, surfing internet all day.
thanks to the display,
talking about processor, macbook use Intel Core 2 Duo (T7200 / T7400) 2.0 GHz . wow . i don't know what the meaning of that. but i know that processor makes macbook proccess data more quickly. in fact, i never took long time for much application.
with 120 GB you can doing a lot of project in this macbook. 1 GB = 1024 MB and 1 MB = 1024 kb .. isn't it ?' hehe .. they called it hard drive.
one of my interest in macbook were Isight camera. Look closely. See that little lens in the display bezel? That’s the built-in iSight camera. i always laught when i start taking photos. because macbook have application that can make 18 fun effect. beacuse my OS already Leopard, application has added new features. lets talk about that later. on my posting later. ok.
look for the website if you want to see more ..
and if you are indonesian, there is a communy they called it macclubindonesia ,
there you can find a lot of tips n trick when you use macbook in all type.
ohh .. i love my macbook.
i cant sleep without shutdown my macbook.
i cant go to campus before i look at schedule on safari in my macbook. *to see the schedule.
i cant singing before i click Itunes..
and i cant see me before i click photobooth.
hehe .
and look i bring my macbook everywhere ..

i guess, i have to give my macbook name.
uhhmm .. do you have an idea ?'
brendaa ?' jenny ?' Lisaa ?' or Bambang ?'
i wait for ur comment dude..
sometime if i posting with different languages, i am really sorry that i force my such english language. for that i want you to correct my language . oke.
now .. in a brigthness day. i wanna review my stuff.
my first mac, macbook white with blanket of black case.
The MacBook is a Macintosh notebook computer by Apple Inc.
i buy it 5 months ago when i started new life in an university ( BINUS University )
it helpful for me. to doing task , set my schedule, looking some fun ecspecially for entertainment.
the design is very simple. it makes me comfort to bring my macbook wherever i will go. the weight its just 2.27 kg.
the display was awesome with 13.3 - inch glossy display with 1280 x 800 pixel resolution.. make your eye enjoy to design, playing games, surfing internet all day.
thanks to the display,
talking about processor, macbook use Intel Core 2 Duo (T7200 / T7400) 2.0 GHz . wow . i don't know what the meaning of that. but i know that processor makes macbook proccess data more quickly. in fact, i never took long time for much application.
with 120 GB you can doing a lot of project in this macbook. 1 GB = 1024 MB and 1 MB = 1024 kb .. isn't it ?' hehe .. they called it hard drive.
one of my interest in macbook were Isight camera. Look closely. See that little lens in the display bezel? That’s the built-in iSight camera. i always laught when i start taking photos. because macbook have application that can make 18 fun effect. beacuse my OS already Leopard, application has added new features. lets talk about that later. on my posting later. ok.
look for the website if you want to see more ..
and if you are indonesian, there is a communy they called it macclubindonesia ,
there you can find a lot of tips n trick when you use macbook in all type.
ohh .. i love my macbook.
i cant sleep without shutdown my macbook.
i cant go to campus before i look at schedule on safari in my macbook. *to see the schedule.
i cant singing before i click Itunes..
and i cant see me before i click photobooth.
hehe .

and look i bring my macbook everywhere ..

i guess, i have to give my macbook name.
uhhmm .. do you have an idea ?'
brendaa ?' jenny ?' Lisaa ?' or Bambang ?'
i wait for ur comment dude..

miss you.
hey dad .. hey mom ..
hey my sister .. i miss you all ..
5 moths again .. lets we took a holiday .. hehe.
i will give u all my best in here .. i dont want to disapoint u all ..

anw .. started now, i will post my topic using english ..
no matter what and no matter how .. hehe. *maksain banget yha ?'
just want to practice .. i dont want lose with my sister ..
hey my sister .. i miss you all ..

5 moths again .. lets we took a holiday .. hehe.

i will give u all my best in here .. i dont want to disapoint u all ..

look at that . ah .. miss you mom .. dont ever eat chocolate to much again..
keep ur health.
keep ur health.

hey .. they are the best couple in the world .. georgeus.
stay stick togehter yhaa ..
hey you big old guy .. hehe. u always make me smile. so keep ur jokes for me dad ..
stay stick togehter yhaa ..

hey you big old guy .. hehe. u always make me smile. so keep ur jokes for me dad ..

for my sister. go and goodluck for ur final exam.
hope u finish university soon ..
hiks hikss . i dont have my full family pic. so i will uplod it later..hope u finish university soon ..

anw .. started now, i will post my topic using english ..
no matter what and no matter how .. hehe. *maksain banget yha ?'
just want to practice .. i dont want lose with my sister ..
taksi ?? ada apa dengan taksi ??
oh taksii .
wahaai taksii ..
kenapa kamu harus gila?
bikin orang jantungan, bikin sengsara, bikin ketawa, dan bikin ..
waduh .
benar2 ajib banget. apes .
kita udah masuk tol pula . dalam hati (*setan ni)
saat itu sempet kita melakukan percakapan :
yudis (teman saya) : ngga ngga .. kyknya sopirnya ngantuk tu .
angga (saya) : iya dis. gmana dong? kita uda masuk tol tau . masak mau stop dsini?
yudis : iya enggak lah . kita cari ide .
teja (teman saya) : nanti sampe kosan kita maem mie ato ketoprak bro ?'
angga : badah tejaaaaa ... (maklum sih, dya kan duduk d dpan , jadi gak nyambung)
yudis : gmana ni ngga.. ada ide gak ?'
angga : ya aq prhatiin sopirnya, kamu perhatiin jalannya. gmana?'
yudis : oke oke . sekalian kita ajak ngobrol dya.
angga : ya kita nyanyi2 juga yg keras.
teja : ketoprak, mie ? ketoprak, mie ?
akhirnya setelah sekian lama kita berpacu dgn ketakutan yg mendalam dan rasa was was (hampir diserempek truk, hampir salah masuk gang). kita sampai kos dengan selamat. fuiiihh...
untung sajaa. saya gak tau tuh gmana nasib taksi itu .
mudah2an sampai rumah dgn selamat juga.
jadi intinya sobat,
kalau sudah agak malam dan anda memilih taksi untuk sarana transport.
sebaiknya jgn hanya menyiapkan pisau dan pentungan.
perhatikan juga mata si sopir .
nih tips2 nya yg manjur berdasarkan pngalaman saya :
hehe .
sampai sini dlu yha ..
mudah2an berarti bagi pembaca ..
mari kita berbagi pengalaman lagi di saat mendatang.
bye bye.
wahaai taksii ..
kenapa kamu harus gila?
bikin orang jantungan, bikin sengsara, bikin ketawa, dan bikin ..
saya mau sedikit bagi pengalaman ni..
waktu itu pukul 22 lebih dikit .
saya bersama dua rekan akan pulang ke kosan..
waktu itu saya di pura rawamangun. ya kira2 sekitar setengah jam dari kosan saya di kebon jeruk .
karena itu sudah agak malam jadi kita beruntung banget dapet taksi .
sudah seneng2nya ni dapet taksi .
ternyata ada beberapa kejadian aneh .
pertama : mata sopir taksinya merah banget
kedua : nafas si sopir itu mendesah desah .. (kyk grogi gitu)
nah yg ketiga : si sopir kadang2 nge-rem mendadak padahal di depan taksi itu kosong gak ada mobil.
keempat : jalan taksi nya ke kiri ke kanan eh ke kiri lagi eh ke kanan lagi.
waktu itu pukul 22 lebih dikit .
saya bersama dua rekan akan pulang ke kosan..
waktu itu saya di pura rawamangun. ya kira2 sekitar setengah jam dari kosan saya di kebon jeruk .
karena itu sudah agak malam jadi kita beruntung banget dapet taksi .
sudah seneng2nya ni dapet taksi .
ternyata ada beberapa kejadian aneh .
pertama : mata sopir taksinya merah banget
kedua : nafas si sopir itu mendesah desah .. (kyk grogi gitu)
nah yg ketiga : si sopir kadang2 nge-rem mendadak padahal di depan taksi itu kosong gak ada mobil.
keempat : jalan taksi nya ke kiri ke kanan eh ke kiri lagi eh ke kanan lagi.
waduh .
benar2 ajib banget. apes .
kita udah masuk tol pula . dalam hati (*setan ni)
saat itu sempet kita melakukan percakapan :
yudis (teman saya) : ngga ngga .. kyknya sopirnya ngantuk tu .
angga (saya) : iya dis. gmana dong? kita uda masuk tol tau . masak mau stop dsini?
yudis : iya enggak lah . kita cari ide .
teja (teman saya) : nanti sampe kosan kita maem mie ato ketoprak bro ?'
angga : badah tejaaaaa ... (maklum sih, dya kan duduk d dpan , jadi gak nyambung)
yudis : gmana ni ngga.. ada ide gak ?'
angga : ya aq prhatiin sopirnya, kamu perhatiin jalannya. gmana?'
yudis : oke oke . sekalian kita ajak ngobrol dya.
angga : ya kita nyanyi2 juga yg keras.
teja : ketoprak, mie ? ketoprak, mie ?
akhirnya setelah sekian lama kita berpacu dgn ketakutan yg mendalam dan rasa was was (hampir diserempek truk, hampir salah masuk gang). kita sampai kos dengan selamat. fuiiihh...
untung sajaa. saya gak tau tuh gmana nasib taksi itu .
mudah2an sampai rumah dgn selamat juga.
jadi intinya sobat,
kalau sudah agak malam dan anda memilih taksi untuk sarana transport.
sebaiknya jgn hanya menyiapkan pisau dan pentungan.
perhatikan juga mata si sopir .
nih tips2 nya yg manjur berdasarkan pngalaman saya :
- kalo kamu berdua, bagilah tugas : satu untuk memantau jalan, satunya memantau mata si sopir. jadi kalau si sopir suda mulai mengejamkan mata anda bisa mengambil tindakan kedua.
- bertanya2 lah . tanyakan pertanyaan yg sulit dijawab sopir taksi .
contoh nya : mas . siapa ya presiden amerika sekarang?' ato mana yg lebih dulu ayam ato telor ?' nah otomatis si sopir berfikir.. - kalau sudah habis bahan bertanya. kalian berdua hidupkanlah music player dan bernyanyi lah dengan sekuat tenaga. saling sahut2an juga bole .
dan mesti joged kayak gini nih .. - berdoa.
hehe .
sampai sini dlu yha ..
mudah2an berarti bagi pembaca ..
mari kita berbagi pengalaman lagi di saat mendatang.
bye bye.
place to live and place to life ..
we know all the people in this era .
want evrything to be simple . they all want to do much thing for a little time ..
like smoking when they swimming ..
or singing loudly when they have breakfast
and study when they making love .. oops .. (joke side) haha.
in the serious way,
most of people have to do a lot of work .. with a dead line surround them ...
so they usually forgot for "eat" ..
now . i want to give my informtion for you all ..
there is the place that i live in ..
which is simple to go everywhere .. and super comfortable ..
Pondok Super Bandeng . Kebon Jeruk Raya street no.3
there is the place we can live and life ..
place to live = home;
place to life = restaurant;
hehhehehe ...
those place ( pondok super bandeng ),
part of 2 building ..
first ..
in front, we can see a shop full of food and drink .. the price is normal ..
i promise you will get serve with a friendly and kindly employee ..
especially the cashier .. (heny kasir) hahaha ..
pondok super bandeng has a high quality of bandeng which is the best priority in this shop!
there was 2 t
ype of bandeng ..
1. Bandeng presto. it rare. you must cook it a little bit before eat that.
not simple but. if you want take bandeng for long time. you must
bring this one . because it can survive for 3 days !!
2. Bandeng gorend . it very simple .. you just have to open the plastic then open your mouth, fill it with bandeng .. hehe .. price depend on heavy . less than 15 thousand rupiahs. cheap. is'n it ?
it completed with "sambal" or sauces which is quiet spicy ...
make bandeng look so hot .. x)
behind the shop building ..
you will find place to live .. seems like an apartment ..
but a little down class .. hehe ..
quite comfortable .. this place that i live .. i love this place.
but if you want join stay n live on this aprtment. you must wait.
cause it full. each neighboor were very kind . i like it. we all just like family here.
well .. its all about my life in jakarta .. i am not feel alone ..
thx all ..
want evrything to be simple . they all want to do much thing for a little time ..
like smoking when they swimming ..
or singing loudly when they have breakfast
and study when they making love .. oops .. (joke side) haha.
in the serious way,
most of people have to do a lot of work .. with a dead line surround them ...
so they usually forgot for "eat" ..
now . i want to give my informtion for you all ..
there is the place that i live in ..
which is simple to go everywhere .. and super comfortable ..
Pondok Super Bandeng . Kebon Jeruk Raya street no.3
there is the place we can live and life ..
place to live = home;
place to life = restaurant;
hehhehehe ...
those place ( pondok super bandeng ),
part of 2 building ..
first ..
in front, we can see a shop full of food and drink .. the price is normal ..
i promise you will get serve with a friendly and kindly employee ..
especially the cashier .. (heny kasir) hahaha ..
pondok super bandeng has a high quality of bandeng which is the best priority in this shop!
there was 2 t

1. Bandeng presto. it rare. you must cook it a little bit before eat that.
not simple but. if you want take bandeng for long time. you must
bring this one . because it can survive for 3 days !!
it completed with "sambal" or sauces which is quiet spicy ...
make bandeng look so hot .. x)
behind the shop building ..
you will find place to live .. seems like an apartment ..
but a little down class .. hehe ..
quite comfortable .. this place that i live .. i love this place.
but if you want join stay n live on this aprtment. you must wait.
cause it full. each neighboor were very kind . i like it. we all just like family here.
well .. its all about my life in jakarta .. i am not feel alone ..
thx all ..
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